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Drag Specialties Motor Mount Item # 284362

- Urethane motor mount specially designed to out-last and out-dampen the OEM part
- Front motor mount
- Sold individually
Part Numbers for Drag Specialties Motor Mount
Fitment for Parts Drag Specialties Motor Mount
This part fits the following vehicles:

Rated 1 out of
Halfknuckle from
Pure Junk
You get what you pay for. Trashed within 2000km. Wouldn't recommend.
Date published: 2023-07-16
Rated 5 out of
Attila the Hun from
Good replacement mount
Good price fast delivery.
Rubber is stiffer than stock
Date published: 2025-01-29
Rated 4 out of
Silky from
Looks fine.
Looks fine, have only had it in a few rides. Far less engine shaking. My old one was halfway ripped through. Bike feels tighter.
See how long it lasts
Date published: 2023-05-30
Rated 4 out of
KenC from
DS Engine Mount
FORT NINE service great as always. Mount's a little harder than OEM as such more vibration but is getting better as time / miles go by.
Date published: 2023-05-01
Rated 5 out of
Dave from
Works well
Easy to install. Make sure you loosen the motor mounts a bit as you will need the clearance to install this motor mount. This is the newer style motor mount and I put it on my 1998 Electra Glide Classic, so it is backwards compatible. It helped with the vibration from the engine.
Date published: 2022-10-02
Rated 5 out of
Yves from
Comme l’original
Livraison rapide comme toujours pièce comme l’original
Date published: 2021-10-31
Rated 1 out of
rider 1 from
look great but did not last
looks great but after only 1500km ride it was destroid.
Date published: 2021-08-13
Rated 4 out of
guymoto from
sportster motor mount
work great . give a better ride in turn . a more vibration .
Date published: 2021-08-09
I can’t see pictures for model specific mounts (isolators). Do I need 2 front and 2 rear for in 05 XL883L because the front and rear configurations look very different
Once you enter the year, make and model of your bike on the product page, you will have the option to select front or rear for your specific application. These are sold individually. Some applications require 2 front and 2 rear. You would need to check how many mounts your vehicle requires for front and rear, as Drag Specialties do not list this information
Date published: 2019-10-29
Is this each, do I need to order 2 front and 2 rear for the job. Will these work without having to buy the complete kits? Is there something better about the kits?
Yes it is each, you'll need 2 front and 2 rear if it's 2009 or newer
Date published: 2019-09-06