PowerMadd Muffs X2 for Sentinel/Star/Trail Star Handguards - 34458
PowerMadd Muffs X2 for Sentinel/Star/Trail Star Handguards - 34458 Item # 620500

- The Gauntlet X2 attaches easily to any handguard giving you added warmth and protection from roost, water, snow and mud
- The Gauntlet X2 uses your existing handguards for support
- The updated X2 features a new look, upgraded attachment mechanism and an improved stay-open design
- The stay open design allows the rider to easily see the controls, return a gloved hand to the grips, ride with thinner gloves and gives you better feel and control
- Engineered and constructed with a rigid yet flexible bone material for a positive stay open design
- The outside material is both wind proof and water repellent
- The Gauntlet X2 fastens quickly to your handgaurd with quick loop velro straps in under five minutes and can be adjusted to your personal preference
- NOTE: Works with the Sentinel, Star Series, Trail Star and most other handguards
Part Numbers for PowerMadd Muffs X2 for Sentinel/Star/Trail Star Handguards - 34458
Rated 5 out of
Fguerin from
Parfait pour un snowbike!
Installé en 2min sur mes hand-guard Cycra. Super robuste et bonne couverture contre le froid. Passé au travers des branches et aulnes et aucunes marque d’usure. Je racheterais sans hesiter!
Date published: 2021-02-15
Rated 5 out of
Pris La from
Excellent product. I really love having them on my Yamaha viper !!
Date published: 2022-04-12
Do these work on motorcycles with handlebar mounted mirrors?
No, as the handlebars (and therefore the mirrors which probably wouldn't fit) would be inside of the PowerMadd gauntet.
Date published: 2020-11-10